Monday, December 26, 2011

Work off the weight for the new year

Thanks to Roman May

It is that time of year again, Christmas is right around the corner and then soon after that is the new year. Everyone I know will be making new year’s resolutions left and right and with probably nary a plan in place to make them work. This year I have decided to shed those last few pounds that were put on by baby. I have already worked most of them off but there are those few stubborn lingering pounds that will just not let go! Since I have a rigorous work schedule I have decided that the classes at the gym are probably not for me. I also am not a fan of workout videoor DVDs. I find them boring. You will also not catch me on the treadmill for more than five minutes because I just can’t take it. This year I will be using for all of my workout plans. I can go online when I don’t have time to get to the group classes at the gym and come up with a workout plan for me. There are tons of articles and sites online that have awesome workout routines that I can do from my desk, my home or even at the gym.